Vergicilikte Güncel Gelişmeler

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Dr. Ali Serdar AKSOY

Partner, Tax

Background and Professional Experience: He started to his career as a Revenue Cotroller at Ministry of Finance, Revenue Controllers, Ankara Group Chairmanship. From 2001 to 2005 he worked as a Regional Director of Revenue at Ministry of Finance, General Directorate of Revenues, Adana Revenue District Office. He was the department head (founder) of Ministry of Finance, General Directorate of Revenues, Muğla Revenue Distrct Office until 2007. He performed as Department Head of Adana Revenue Administration, and as of August 2008 also performed as Department Head of Mersin Revenue Administration. He started to work as a Tax Partner at Deloitte Turkey since June  2013.

He has published articles at Takım Çeliği, www.takimceliğ and Finans Trend,  web sites about features on revenue and business law.Also his articles about revenue ,economics and finance , published at various journals and newspapers.Besides, he attended to conferences and panels as a member and made presentations at professional associations.

Education: He has graduated from İstanbul University ,Faculty of Economics. He has a master degree in USA and completed his doctorate at Çukurova University Institute of Social Science in 2015.